Some songs from the Band of Tara list
BAND OF TARA is currently booking Fairs, Festivals, Private & Corporate Events. Go to Bobs Schedule to find where BAND OF TARA will be performing. For more information about booking This awsome band contact Tara Renee Strand
419-212-7009---517-320-1170 or reach Bob here on his websight. Thanks for looking
Some audio from BAND OF TARA both live & studio
Momas Broken Heart
Walkin After Midnight
Live medley from BAND OF TARA
Tennesee Whiskey
Black Horse & Cherry Tree

Songs are added to our song list on a monthly basis. This is just a parchal listing of the songs in our library
Bob Pogue
Kent Bowen
Otis Marti
David Kinkaid
Tara Rene Strand

Taras new CD, "Tara" will be on sale at our performances or call one of the numbers below to receive your CD. Nearly 50 minutes of Taras favorites for your listening pleasure.