Check Schedule Often as Dates & Times are added or moved to another date.

Check schedule often as times and dates change throughout the year



8th    6 On James   James Lake Indiana    7 to 9

     14th   A Hint Of     Litchfield, Mi  6 tto 9

      20th    Lake Diane Community Building   Camden Mi  5:30

     26th   Koras Winery   Bryan Ohio    6 to 8

     28th   Harvest Moon   Defiance Ohio    6 to 9


       1st   Cork & Barrel     Angola In    6 to 9

      2nd   Harvest Moon    Defiance Ohio     2 to 5

      7th   6 On James    James Lake Indiana   7 to 10

      26th   Koras Winery    Bryan Ohio   6 to 8


       18th   6 On James    James Lake Indiana    7 to 10

       19th   Cork & Barrel   Angola Indiana     6 to 9

       23    Koras Winery    Bryan Ohio    6 to 8

      26th   Harvest Moon   Defiance Ohio   2 to 5


      16th   Harvest Moon   Defiance Ohio    6 to 9

      17th   6 On James   Lake James Indiana    7 to 10

      23    Coork & Barrel   Angola Indiana   6 to 9

      27th   Koras Winery  Bryan Ohio  6 to 8


      1st   Harvest Moon    Defiance Ohio    2 to 5

       4th   My Birthday    Simpsonville S Carolina

     5th    Mountainview Arkansas  Courthouse Lawn   all evening

      7th   Ironton Missouri

    20th  6 On James   James Lake Indiana  7 to 10

    21st   Cork & Barrel   Angola Indiana  6 to 9

    25th   Koras Winery    Bryan Ohio   6 to 8


        9   Koras Winery   Bryan Ohio

       20th  West Franklin Community Church   Gospel Concert  near harrison Lake Ohio   6 pm

      24   6 On James   Lake James Indiana    7 to 10

     25   Cork & Barrel   Angola Indiana  6to 9


        1st   6 On James    James Lake Indiana   7 to 10

       2nd  Readin Michigan Festival Days   10 to noon

              Cork & Barrel    Angola Indiana   6 to 9

    16th   Sweet Corn Days Festival   Litchfield Mi.  noon

     20   Koras Winery   Bryan Ohio  6 to 8 pm


      5   Cork & Barrel   Angola Indiana    6 to 9

      6   6 On James   Lake James Indiana   7 to 10

    24   Koras Winery   Bryan Ohio  6 to 8


      3   6 On James   James Lake Indiana   7 to 10

     4     Cork & Barrel  Angola Indiana    6 to 9

     22   Koras Winery   Bryan Ohio   6 to 8


     5   Koras Winery   Bryan Ohio   6 to 8

     7   6 On James   Lake James Indiana   7 to 10

     8   Cork & Barrel    Angola Indiiana   6 to 9


      3   Koras Winery   Bryan Ohio   6 to 8

     20   6 On James     Lake James Indiana    7 to 10

     26   Cork & Barrel   Angola Indiana   6 to 9